Below is a selection of the numbered events scheduled for Matera 2019 in the period June – July
For more info: https://www.materaevents.it/events
Circus arts workshops, juggling, capoeira.
For the duration of the festival Piazza degli Olmi will host circus arts, juggling and capoeira workshops organized by Lacaposciuc ASD, during which international partners will be present, including The Sprockets, Pachamama and Sao Salomao.
Skating workshop
For the duration of the festival Piazza Cesare Firrao will host Skating workshops organized by Basilicata Board, during which the Sk8ong Team will be present.
“TransformAction” is a multidisciplinary show, which is born in relation to the territory in which it is presented. The environments and natural places that are chosen determine, in fact, the structure of the representation, which has an artistic journey of about 500 meters. In the path completely transformed by lights, scenographies and projections, the spectators will walk as travelers, visiting the performances that will go on simultaneously, as in an outdoor museum.
BRADWAY – The streets of bread
Breadway is a festival of food and design that traces the chain that leads to the preparation of bread.
Trial of the shadowcasters
A live role-playing game for two intense days, an immersive experience for those who want to play a character within the story created by two famous larp designers.
The l.a.r.p. it will be all in English only.
Installation for the Silent Academy
The Silent Academy will produce a large installation on the theme of hospitality inspired by the July 2nd party and the iconic doors of the Madonna, a powerful symbol of every culture and the Carriages of the Brown which, as a tradition, are ‘saved’ by the witch every year.
Art Thinking, ‘The origins of the Contemporary’
Welcome, meeting, living together. The three founding values of the Matera Alberga concept declined by six artists in the spaces of as many hotels scattered around the city. Installations and works create a bridge between rock and contemporary civilization.
Elements of transcendental calculation
The mathematical path that underlies the language, every time one digs into the text, allows one to glimpse a basic logic that cannot be casual, as it can be verified more and more even with the progress of humanity through new scientific discoveries.
Apollo Soundtrack
In July 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin created one of the most notable enterprises in human history: the landing of the Apollo lunar module on the surface of the Moon. The whole world kept its eyes glued to the television, its hands clasped to newspapers, the Apollo touched the ground that the poets had touched in their most visionary dreams.
The exhibition tells about contemporary Europe seen through the relationship between architecture and shame: a research path in which the form we give to space describes a possible “cultural intimacy” of European citizens.
Agriturismo La Stornara
Contrada Stornara, 74025 Marina di Ginosa TA
Cell.: +39 339 755 6088